Commentary from Research Analyst Samuel Hickey was featured in a MED This Week newsletter on the Iran nuclear talks and the consequences of the last-minute requests raised by Russia at this crucial moment of the negotiations. “Cooperation between Iran and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) is likely to progress — with no major breakthroughs — […]
Russia’s alleged ‘vacuum bomb’ use in Ukraine highlights weapons race with the US
Executive Director John Tierney spoke with ABC News about thermobaric weapons. “It’s a particularly nasty weapon. It’s a terrible way to die. It has a really broad effect and is probably most useful against hardened facilities,” John Tierney, executive director at the Center for Arms Control & Non-Proliferation in Washington, D.C., told ABC News. Tierney, […]
Russian Invasion of Ukraine
Senior Science Fellow and Scientists Working Group member John Gilbert appeared on BBC World News to discuss the risk of potential Russian use of biological and chemical weapons in Ukraine.
Putin Still a Rational Man Who Won’t Use Nuclear Weapons, Top Experts Say
Senior Policy Director John Erath was quoted in a Newsweek article about how far Russian President Vladimir Putin might go to win the war in Ukraine. “I don’t think that the Russian leadership and Putin are irrational actors,” John Erath, senior policy director for the Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation, said. “The use of […]
Addressing concerns about chemical weapons in Ukraine
Greg Koblentz, member of the Scientists Working Group on Chemical and Biological Threats, spoke with BBC World Newshour disputing claims that Ukraine seeks to build chemical or biological weapons and discussing Russia’s own chemical weapons stockpile.