Senior Policy Director Alexandra Bell spoke to Newsweek about the U.S. withdrawal from the Open Skies Treaty. Alexandra Bell, a senior advisor to the undersecretary for arms control and international security during the Obama administration, noted an overlooked benefit of the treaty: That the jointly managed overflights would provide the United States some insight into […]
Trump Delays New START Treaty Decision, Calls for New Talks with Russia, China
Senior Policy Director Alexandra Bell spoke with U.S. News and World Report about a potential decision on whether to extend the New Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (New START) with Russia. The Trump administration has faced sharp criticism for its position on the New START treaty, particularly in insisting the agreement must include China, even though […]
Trump admin pulling out of Open Skies reconnaissance treaty over Russia violations
Executive Director John Tierney and Senior Policy Director Alexandra Bell were quoted in NBC News about the U.S. withdrawal from the Open Skies Treaty. Former Rep. John Tierney, D-Ma., the executive director of the nonpartisan Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation, urged the president to “reverse this decision, recommit to working with our allies to […]
Nuclear Insecurity
Senior Policy Director Alexandra Bell was a guest on the Press the Button podcast, on which she discussed the Trump Administration’s potential to be the only administration in 60 years not to start or finish a nuclear arms control agreement; the decisions facing the president sworn in in 2021; and how nuclear arms control struggles […]
Op-ed: Abandoning Open Skies: Trump Would Be Squandering More of Our Security Inheritance
Senior Policy Director Alexandra Bell and FCNL’s Anthony Wier co-wrote an op-ed in Just Security about the importance of remaining in the Open Skies Treaty. Last December, 25 Americans, along with counterparts from Canada, Germany, France, Romania, and the United Kingdom, joined Ukrainians on an urgent mission to help them defend their nation. A few days […]