Senior Policy Director Alexandra Bell spoke with Vox about the United States potentially leaving the Open Skies Treaty. In other words, the treaty was put into place to prevent arms races — and even wars. “If the United States abandons this agreement, the result will likely be the collapse all that is left of conventional […]
Boltonism Lives: Trump’s national security adviser is gone, but his mission to kill off perfectly good arms-control treaties continues.
Senior Policy Director Alexandra Bell spoke with Slate about the potential end of the Open Skies Treaty. The State Department issued a report in August, saying it “remains ready to work in good faith with Russia” in resolving the issue. However, Alexandra Bell, a former State Department official and now senior policy director at the Center […]
Cold War 2 arms race: Will we see a return of Atomic Bomb tests?
Senior Policy Director Alexandra Bell spoke with the Express (UK) about the effects of pulling out of multiple arms control treaties. Alexandra Bell, Senior Policy Director at the Centre for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation, believes while treaties currently in place are working to prevent further nuclear weapon testing, more work is required by President Donald […]
Expert: Russians are trying to hide the technical details of the rocket propulsion system
Policy Analyst Geoff Wilson spoke with Voice of America about an explosion in Russia. Wilson of The Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation pointed to a strange set of circumstances when the stations stopped working after the explosion in Severodvinsk. “This coincided with this accident, which, in our opinion, is an explosion of a Russian cruise […]
U.S. Conducts First Missile Test Since Trashing INF Treaty
Senior Policy Director Alexandra Bell spoke with US News and World Report about the United States testing a missile after pulling out of the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty. Alexandra Bell, senior policy director with the Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation, says critics in Congress may push back against expanding future military tests. Some leaders […]