We are writing to urge your support of the Quigley Amendment to the Fiscal Year 2016 Energy and Water Appropriations Act, H.R. 2028. This amendment would save taxpayers $167 million by maintaining the acquisition schedule for the nuclear-armed cruise missile nuclear warhead at the Fiscal Year 2015 request. The savings would go toward deficit reduction.
Letter to Senate Opposing OCO Slush Fund in Budget Resolution
On behalf of the undersigned organizations and our combined memberships, we urge you to oppose the Fiscal Year 2016 Budget Resolution conference report scheduled for votes this week. The conference report contains serious fiscal concerns, particularly related to billions of dollars being allocated toward the Pentagon’s war budget for ill-defined purposes.
U.S. Nuclear Weapons Modernization: Unaffordable and Unrealistic
House Appropriations Committee on Energy and Water Bill
Earlier today, the House Committee on Appropriations marked up the FY 2016 Energy and Water appropriations bill, in conjunction with the release of the FY 2016 Energy and Water Appropriations Subcommittee Report. The report recommends spending levels for nuclear weapons activity and programs to counter nuclear terrorism and proliferation, and provides stipulations for implementation. No amendments were offered regarding nuclear weapons or nuclear non-proliferation during the markup.