Committee Action On May 14, the Senate Armed Services Committee voted 22-4 to report the National Defense Authorization bill authorizing $611.9 billion in defense spending. Overall totals $495.5 billion – Pentagon base budget $ 18.7 billion – Department of Energy base budget $ 88.9 billion – Overseas Contingency Operations fund $604.1 billion – Total, National Defense […]
U.S. Defense Spending Vs. Global Defense Spending
According to the SIPRI Military Expenditure Database 2015, in 2014, the U.S. approved $609.9 billion in defense budget authority (fiscal year 2014 dollars). This figure includes funding for the Pentagon base budget, money allocated for the Pentagon in the Overseas Contingency Operations fund, and defense related activities in the 050 budget function. It also includes Department of Energy-administered atomic energy defense activities.
What to Watch: National Defense Authorization Bill
Provisions to watch on Fiscal Year 2016 NDAA, including missile defense, New START, and nuclear weapons modernization.
Finalizing the FY 2015 National Defense Authorization (NDAA): Key Issues for Congress
For the third year in a row, the United States Senate is unlikely to approve its own version of the critically important Fiscal Year 2015 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). So much for being “the world’s greatest deliberative body.” After voting on September 18 on a bill to keep the government running through mid-December and […]
Summary of the House Appropriations Committee version of the Fiscal Year 2015 Defense Appropriations Bill
By Laicie Heeley, Kingston Reif and Brenna Gautam On June 10, the House Appropriations Committee approved its version of the Fiscal Year FY) 2015 Defense Appropriations Bill, which includes $571 billion in total funding. Although this is an increase from the 2015 requested budget amount, it reflects an overall $1.7 billion decrease in funding from […]