U.S. National Nuclear Security Administration and China worked together to remove highly enriched uranium (HEU) from Nigeria in 2018. This collaboration effectively reduces the risk of nuclear terrorism. The article highlights how “Across the globe, the IAEA and its partners have worked to swap out weapons-grade material with lightly enriched uranium, or LEU, which is enriched […]
New Radiation Technology Can Be in your Smartphone
New technology from North Carolina State University assess “radiation exposure in about an hour using an insulator material found in most modern electronics” and can identify those with acute radiation syndrome. This technology can facilitate expedited treatment and also de-stigmatize areas thought to have radiation.
In the News: White House Releases National Strategy for Countering WMD Terrorism
The White House released “National Strategy for Countering Weapons of Mass Destruction Terrorism” which includes educational campaigns to increase citizen, State, and local preparedness for any .terrorist event. The document also highlights the need to reduce the “global quantity of WMD and related materials” while also identifying and responding “to technological trends that may enable […]
CNS Occasional Paper #42: The Other Fissile Material: Strengthening National and International Plutonium Management Approaches
John Carlson, Leonard S. Spector along with FMWG Chair Miles Pomper release Occasional Paper #42 with the Center for Nonproliferation Studies. The paper discusses issues relating to separated, or unirradiated, plutonium in civilian nuclear programs — plutonium that has been chemically separated from spent nuclear reactor fuel by reprocessing but has not been reintroduced into […]
In the News: Nigeria Becomes HEU-Free
According to the World Nuclear News, Nigeria is officially HEU-free. The IAEA monitored the transfer of HEU from Nigeria to China. “More than 1 kilogram of Chinese-origin HEU from the Nigerian Research Reactor-1 (NIRR-1) was returned to China in an operation involving the two countries, the International Atomic Energy Agency and the US Department of […]