Research Analyst Samuel Hickey spoke to ABC News about the Biden administration’s options as the window for a diplomatic resolution to Iran’s advancing nuclear program continues to close. The U.S. also has little room to maneuver, says Sam Hickey, an analyst at the Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation. “There are a lot of political […]
Iran Is Backing Out of the Nuclear Deal That U.S. Had Already Reneged On for Years
The Intercept quoted a Center press statement in an article about the legacy of the United States’ withdrawal from the Iran nuclear deal. “Today, the IAEA is ‘flying blind’ about the details of Iran’s activities because it is unable to retrieve surveillance data being stored on the agency’s cameras as a consequence of U.S. withdrawal […]
Biden’s mounting nuclear threats from North Korea, Iran
Senior Policy Director John Erath spoke with ABC News about the future of nuclear diplomacy with North Korea and Iran. “The whole conflict has a nuclear dimension that is going to have an effect on how we deal with Iran and North Korea, with other proliferators” said John Erath, Senior Policy Director for the Center […]
‘Predictable’ and ‘reinforces’ need for JCPOA: Statement on Iran censure, further limitations
(JUNE 9–WASHINGTON) In light of Iran’s censure this week at the IAEA Board of Governors meeting and Iran’s response of further limiting IAEA oversight abilities at its nuclear facilities and its installation of more advanced centrifuges, the Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation released the following statement by Executive Director and former Congressman John Tierney: “This latest […]
Op-ed: Putin’s horrendous war on Ukraine is no reason to give up on renewing the nuclear deal with Iran
Research Analyst Samuel Hickey co-authored an op-ed in Business Insider countering arguments that a renewed nuclear deal will benefit Russia at the expense of the U.S. “Today, Russia is wielding nuclear threats to help perpetrate an illegal, unjustified, and immoral war against Ukraine. At the same time, Iran is closer to a nuclear weapon than it has […]