Growing government interest in exploiting advances in the life sciences to develop chemical incapacitants for use in hostage rescue, counter-terrorism, counter-insurgency and urban warfare threatens to introduce a new category of chemical weapons.
Germs, Viruses, and Secrets: The Silent Proliferation of Bio-Laboratories in the United States
Over the last six years, the Federal government has dramatically increased US research and development activity and infrastructure focused on biological weapons agents.
Safeguarding Synthetics
The damage that might be wrought by some “biohackers” would be much more difficult to deal with than that caused by their computer hacker brethren.
Excessive Claims for Missile Defense
by Robert G. Gard In his article “Missile Defense Hits the Mark: Increasing Success Undermines Critics” (Defense News, July 23, 2007), Lt. Gen. Henry Obering, director of the U.S. Missile Defense Agency (MDA), carries the traditional and laudable “can-do” attitude of the military too far. He claims an operational capability, yet to be demonstrated, for […]
National Missile Defense in Europe: Premature and Unwise
by Robert G. Gard The Bush Administration has announced its intention to build a national missile defense complex in Europe to supplement current deployments of the system’s components, including interceptor sites based in Alaska and California. This decision is premature, misguided, wasteful of billions of dollars, and damaging to U.S. relationships with our European allies […]