Watch Board Member Sharon Squassoni discuss how we can move the clock back on this panel of the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists.
Foreign Policy: Bring Back the Russo-American Axis to Defeat the Islamic State
Bringing Back the Russo-American Axis It’s high time for Obama and Putin to put aside the differences that dog them, and focus on destroying the Islamic State. By LESLIE H. GELB, ROBERT GARD, JOHN H. JOHNS Read the full article at Foreign Policy. Terrorist attacks in France, Lebanon, Mali, and in the skies over Egypt, highlight […]
Nuclear Threat Initiative: Sour U.S.-Russia Relations Could Lead to a Nuclear Standoff
The Nuclear Threat Initiative (NTI) recently released a comprehensive report on how the deteriorating relations between the United States and Russia increase the risk of nuclear use in the Euro-Atlantic Region. After surveying both Russian and American nuclear experts, NTI Senior Advisor for Russia and Eurasia, Robert Berls, and Program Officer, Leon Ratz, highlighted ten factors that contribute to the deterioration of US-Russian relations:
A Side-by-Side Comparison of House, Senate and Conference Defense Authorization Bills
A closer look a the FY16 National Defense Authorization Act.
On-Again, Off-Again with Russian Arms Exporter Rosoboronexport
On Wednesday, September 2, the State Department released its list of recently sanctioned entities. The name that stands out the most on the list is Rosoboronexport, the massive Russian state-owned arms exporter that accounts for 85 percent of Russia’s exports of arms.