Removing longstanding U.S. policy on “limited” national missile defense is financially reckless, exceptionally destabilizing, and detrimental to U.S. national security. President Obama should consider vetoing the latest National Defense Authorization bill based on this provision alone. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Hazel Correa 202.546.0795 x2115 Washington, DC – Since 1997, Congress has mandated that the policy […]
Senior Fellow John Isaacs on U.S.-Russia relations
Read the full piece in Medium President-elect Donald Trump has long bragged about his ability to negotiate good deals. The opening line of his 1987 book claims: “Deals are my art form.” A good test of that facility will come when he is dealing leader-to-leader with President Vladimir Putin of Russia. Read the full piece […]
The End of the Plutonium Management and Disposition Agreement: A Dark Cloud with a Silver Lining
President Putin’s October 3rd executive order suspending the Plutonium Management and Disposition Agreement (PMDA) is the latest manifestation of the rising tensions between Russia and the United States. Signed in 2000, the PMDA committed Russia and the United States to the disposal of at least 34 tons of their respective stockpiles of weapons-grade plutonium. Plutonium […]
Why We Still Need to Cooperate with Russia on Nuclear Security
The disintegration of the Soviet Union in 1991 dismantled a highly centralized multi-national government, leaving behind 15 newly independent states, an economy in chaotic transition, and an enormous nuclear weapons complex. The sudden meltdown of the military structures that had managed the Soviet nuclear arsenal for decades left destructive weapons, technologies, and materials exposed and […]
Ask an Expert: Senator Richard Lugar on Cooperative Threat Reduction
Senator Richard Lugar represented the state of Indiana from 1977-2013. Along with Senator Sam Nunn (D-GA), he authored the legislation that established the Cooperative Threat Reduction Program in 1991. He currently serves as the president of The Lugar Center, a non-profit organization in Washington, D.C. [This interview has been edited for length and clarity.] Nukes […]